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Everything posted by mothershiprs

  1. Beast homie, getting my grind on to pk by tmrw night
  2. gooood shit boys, i'd join back on tourney but I work all day tmrw and the next day, and got plans with the fam sunday. good luck ill be watching on the last day, and ill be there for the whole seasonal dmm!
  3. Murdered a kid at rock crabs for the free cash & smithing xp, Gf.
  4. So yaks were eating away at my soul and I was itching to murder someone, and I saw a guy fishing lobsters in relekka.. I felt kinda bad for killing him. Then, I found someone slaying for some free mystic lol. Crappy keys but I had a good laugh.
  5. slaying yaks for dayss, thanks fellas
  6. Finally 99 str, time to max out att & def
  7. nice, I need to make an 07 account lol, I'm only dmm
  8. Been sitting at yaks for about 10 days now, here's the results.
  9. gratz dude I'm still rocking the obby sheild
  10. yeah, this is an awesome update. now I don't have to go to a private server where all the mechanics are fked up to warm up for pking.
  11. even if the loot sucks pking is still fun, good job yo
  12. lmao I did the same thingto a clan of 40-50s a month ago, nice man.
  13. that's sick homie good job! making bank
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