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Old Bear

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Old Bear

  1. GG MAX GEAR BABY!!!! NIGHT ONE OF NEW CONTENENT = AC NEW CONTENT GF!!! https://gyazo.com/69ea30866f143e2e09e34801cc4d5d7a https://gyazo.com/cfc1265c58e1c5e9d6db802084e9e9df
  2. I need 6 brews, 3 restores, 2 range pots, 4 stams, 4 super anti, 2 combat, 4 pray,
  3. 1. i wouldn't say no to letting my chick grapefruit me.. on the other hand this dude totally loves the weewee LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "what the fuck i had to pause the video"
  4. What's everyone's preference. I'm Doing a project to win a 100$ argument. If I win and am correct i'll donate $50 of it to the forums. story behind the argument goes, Girlfriend: do you think blonde red head or brunette's are hotter? me: you're a brunette so apparently you already know. (she then goes on a huge rant about blonds being dumb redheads too freckly and brunettes are the shit..) I responded with a google search of the most appealing color and stated the "facts" she then says "you know a lot of people, start calling them, texting them and doing your little forum thingy. I'll bet you 100$ that ________'s are the winners." (of course I disagreed because I want a chance to actually get some of my money back xD!!!) so here it is everyone... Blondes? redheads? or brunettes. andddddd GO
  5. That dbow woulda made me cry for sure. Slayer is so fun to do especially in deadman bro. its so worthhh

  7. gains are what is on my mind.  I have goals of getting my stats back to where i was. I suffered a huge loss after dying skulled then instantly skulling in safe zone and an ex clan stealing my Alt. By the end of this week on 1/9/2016 I will have 52 prayer 60 att 70 str 70 def. ill be combat 90+. I hope when i accomplish these goals ac will notice my dedication.

  8. I fully intend on ripping some LPD fucks. LETS RIDE BOYS! yeah that sig is pretty dope ;D
  9. I'll start this off with I know it was my fault.. I was previously in a "clan" of 30 people tops called Lpd (lets pvp dmm) I would mule items for the clan on my ult and allow one person my password for if im off to get the items. the trust was established over 3 months of giving items and things of wealth as gifts or holds/ rebuilds. as soon as i leave that clan because it was going absolutely nowhere I decided to file for AC. I'm still in the application process but I am extremely active in cc/ teamspeak and forums. They logged into my alt, stole and suicided my cb 70 alt worth 3m cash stack runes mystics and potions to gear to pk. my thing is.. no matter where I am I will gear to destroy all of them. If you giazo a screenshot of killing any of them i will A. blow you or B. give you the bounty $ =) keep it in mind. LPD they all shall rot like rot
  10. daaaaaaamn! bonk was made! very nice man quick thinking aswell
  11. he made like 20m in 1 dbow kill.. it was insane. people started moving deeper into varrock hahaha
  12. omfg, i think i seen this in a video! bro thats insane, very nice lootations
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