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Kenya Swallo

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  1. Almost I made it out but I lost my logs to rebuild with =[ I was up to 180k worth of logs ='[ I died twice today, so lost my rune ax and my logs. Now i am fishing XD
  2. the pking is heavy today outside lumby castle! =[
  3. Nope I am not a troll! XD, im new what does TS Stand for?
  4. Ah, haven't seen anyone recently, which is why I ask.
  5. Is there any reason people stopped PKing at gnome stonghold, people have been pking heavy and then boom it just stopped any reason?
  6. Lame! Oh well, now everyone knows haha!
  7. What is your name or what would you like to be referred to as: Kenya Swallo, but I go by my real name Kaiya What timezone are you in: MNT!! (for the win) Current display name: Kenya Swallo Past display names: N/A About yourself: I am a housewife who stays at home and grinds training as much as I can so I can go around pking! XD Combat Level (Include a picture of your stats): List ALL Clans and Teams you have been apart of: N/A imma loner! Have you ever applied to the clan before? if so, post link(s): Nope Why do you want to join Anonymous Community? (Atleast a paragraph): I would love to have fun with a clan, or just people who enjoy playing the game as I do. I of course I would love to seek revenge on those who killed me and made me start over for the 100th time! But in all reality I just would like to enjoy myself and have fun with a group of people that seek the same! XD List everyone you know in the clan and how long you have known them for and the nature of your relationship: N/A Anything else you wish to add: I really hope you will look over my stats! I have quiet the high def lvl! Grinding until 99!! Woot Woot! And I added a picture of myself! YAY
  8. Thanks for the welcoming!!! You guys are AWESOME! YAY! I live in NM!
  9. Hi! I am brand new! And of course training all day!! I hope everyone is having a great day! I live in Mnt time zone! I am irl a girl, I have been playing for about 3 months not and am looking to have some fun with pking. IF anyone has any questions please feel free to ask! I will answer anything!
  10. Hello everyone! Just made a profile!!! I am hoping I get lots of LOVE!



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