What is your name or what would you like to be referred to as: Kenya Swallo, but I go by my real name Kaiya
What timezone are you in: MNT!! (for the win)
Current display name: Kenya Swallo
Past display names: N/A
About yourself: I am a housewife who stays at home and grinds training as much as I can so I can go around pking! XD
Combat Level (Include a picture of your stats):
List ALL Clans and Teams you have been apart of: N/A imma loner!
Have you ever applied to the clan before? if so, post link(s): Nope
Why do you want to join Anonymous Community? (Atleast a paragraph): I would love to have fun with a clan, or just people who enjoy playing the game as I do. I of course I would love to seek revenge on those who killed me and made me start over for the 100th time! But in all reality I just would like to enjoy myself and have fun with a group of people that seek the same! XD
List everyone you know in the clan and how long you have known them for and the nature of your relationship: N/A
Anything else you wish to add: I really hope you will look over my stats! I have quiet the high def lvl! Grinding until 99!! Woot Woot!
And I added a picture of myself! YAY