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drugs n keys

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Everything posted by drugs n keys

  1. yoooo i got a 25m bank on 07 and 90 attack 93 str 90 def 70 pray, whats some shit I can pvm for really good money? idk whats the best... DKS? sum1 help
  2. i have no feedback or credit or anything but ive done DT 4 times on oldschool and once on DMM if ur interested pm me, i think we can work somethin out
  3. how? I want to afk and splash over night and shit, i know it logs u out after a little bit
  4. i want to do DT really soon, but im not in AC yet
  5. is it possible to afk splash for like 5 hours at a time? theres gotta be some way its possible
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