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drugs n keys

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by drugs n keys

  1. Does anyone know any items that you don't lose as much gp on...?
  2. nah man im talking about items that minimize the loss per alch...
  3. i need 20k alchs for 94 magic boys what are the best items to alch? anything better than longbows?
  4. bro can u teach me barrows efficiency? I have only done 10 chests and thats because I'll bring fucking 7 ppots with me and only get to do maybe 3 chests... I bring slay dart, rune pieces, neitz, glory, cb brace, climbers, and then i dds/d scim ahrims and slay dart the rest. u dont even slay dart... u fire blast? LOL is that better? teach me the ropes dad
  5. Let's do it Friday, what time zone are u niggas? im EST, and want to start around maybe 10pm? hell yes, this is a 6 person team... Are u guys down for 10pm EST on Friday?
  6. i have every quest done i just need some thieving/fm levels i will be doing it this friday, i will do it solo if no one wants to come
  7. i hate this whole fucking clan process.... i just wanna be accepted or declined lol
  8. 90 some combat, I want to do DT either Friday or this weekend. I'm hoping we can get a group of like 7-10 people that'd be dope. Btw I've done the quest like 7 times I can do it without a guide pretty much. Let me know if ur interested
  9. I'm going for 3-81 HERBLORE I got 2m cash to spend I want to get as many herbs possible. i need some Guams, Ranarrs, etc
  10. Damn, as long as I don't lose money though that's fine...
  11. Jesus Christ guys can't take a joke, sorry I apologize
  12. Wow what a generous guy I would have taken the 15m and not given shit back
  13. Hahah I appreciate the replies boys but not a single one of them really helped me. Re read my topic
  14. I wanna start herblore on DMM purely just to sell pots to clan members and to make money by mercing them to people not in AC. But I need help reaching the herblore level required for Sara brews, I have 2m to start spending. What's the best method to reach that herblore level? I want to do the best method that I can profit the most. Will I end up losing money getting to it, or what?
  15. Hellllllll yeah how many ops yall got in the singles team and are they high levels?
  16. How does AC pk on DMM? Do you guys ever mass up like 10-20 people all with barrage and like 105+cb to camp a tele spot or something? Or do you guys always just pk in multi as a team..... i want to join and singles pk with whoever are good hybrids and high levels, that's my reason for applying tbh. I'll still multi pk tho
  17. Who all votes? I feel like that's kinda unprofessional, there should be a few people dedicated to applications. That's just my opinion doee
  18. until i know if i got accepted or not? how long is this process thx for reading i wanna be pking with yall alrdy
  19. hey can u check my application? i wanna be pking with u guys ASAP

  20. im gonna do some arma 2nite and see whats good with it hopefully i get a hilt
  21. after 20 mins or so i normally get logged out... fucking gay, 94 mage is bout to cost like 5m if i alch it
  22. what does venenatis drop??? im 54 slayer atm, training it up...
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