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drugs n keys

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  1. Does anyone know any items that you don't lose as much gp on...?
  2. nah man im talking about items that minimize the loss per alch...
  3. i need 20k alchs for 94 magic boys what are the best items to alch? anything better than longbows?
  4. bro can u teach me barrows efficiency? I have only done 10 chests and thats because I'll bring fucking 7 ppots with me and only get to do maybe 3 chests... I bring slay dart, rune pieces, neitz, glory, cb brace, climbers, and then i dds/d scim ahrims and slay dart the rest. u dont even slay dart... u fire blast? LOL is that better? teach me the ropes dad
  5. Let's do it Friday, what time zone are u niggas? im EST, and want to start around maybe 10pm? hell yes, this is a 6 person team... Are u guys down for 10pm EST on Friday?
  6. i have every quest done i just need some thieving/fm levels i will be doing it this friday, i will do it solo if no one wants to come
  7. i hate this whole fucking clan process.... i just wanna be accepted or declined lol
  8. 90 some combat, I want to do DT either Friday or this weekend. I'm hoping we can get a group of like 7-10 people that'd be dope. Btw I've done the quest like 7 times I can do it without a guide pretty much. Let me know if ur interested
  9. I'm going for 3-81 HERBLORE I got 2m cash to spend I want to get as many herbs possible. i need some Guams, Ranarrs, etc
  10. Damn, as long as I don't lose money though that's fine...
  11. Jesus Christ guys can't take a joke, sorry I apologize
  12. Wow what a generous guy I would have taken the 15m and not given shit back
  13. Hahah I appreciate the replies boys but not a single one of them really helped me. Re read my topic
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