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Everything posted by Ryan^

  1. Honestly did it yesterday, saw 1 clan and tanked them in draynor. Besides that didn't see anyone else. Always bring food/tabs. Watch map and if you're too scared to see who it is just tab out. I'd rather waste teleport/time then die and have to relevel/regear. gl
  2. If you have a decent amount of time just grind some sdmm
  3. Will I need to make a new introduction before I can apply? was going to apply last season, but didn't.
  4. You should be able to post now. (10 post count is required for an introduction along with 60 combat)
  5. read my reply above, good luck let me know if you need more help.
  6. Start a topic here; http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/forum/85-introduction/ You can copy the format that you need here; http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/6261-introduction-format/
  7. Any mods? I'm a car guy myself. I have an 04 gto currently, love the car to death.
  8. confirmed for sure? saw RoT Salad selling everything in his bank.
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