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Asian Kid

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Everything posted by Asian Kid

  1. yeah do what you want, if you enjoy playing dmm then yeah go for it
  2. interesting, ill definitely keep that in mind for the main game
  3. becareful man, always wear a empty crossbow/bow
  4. hahah, don't worry you will get something nice later
  5. i used to eat chipotle all the time, but i haven't recently because of the ecoli epidemics
  6. l0l the exact same thing was on my mind. I was deadlifting and i was thinking to myself "i can't wait to eat then play runescape"
  7. zulrah is most likely your best bet. If you do group pvm then do like gwds
  8. he was runecrafting fire runes the other day ha
  9. try contacting a mod or someone with high rank. good luck man
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