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About Minimash

  • Birthday December 21

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  1. https://gyazo.com/83c74af74d542ddf1091f2a24a5a2ce0
  2. Good job well done everyone. Proud of you all.
  3. Good fight. I came right towards the end as I had just woke up, and brut tried to come in. But #Minimash is always ready. Loved watching them run for their lives lol good job all in all everyone.
  4. Donationmanmode, #upgradetheteamspeak #movepowers #AC
  5. A little bit of everything today, all in all it was fun well done guys.
  6. Now thats a topic. Fun af well done everyone keep it up.
  7. Haha awesome, had a good 3-4 minute fight with his friend and he finally decide to skull up when i ran south acting like I was out of food. Well done guys fun trip all in all and welcome to the community evolution pkers
  8. #ac wonderful job guys, they asked for the ops to come in, and we delivered.
  9. Fun trip hella people lots of action. Good night overall well done boys. #AC
  10. I enjoy AC because the community as a whole is very diverse and for the most part friendly. If someone is struggling to do something in game, there's always somebody there willing to help out. I also enjoy the deadman aspect of the game, as its helped us shy away from being selfish and allowed us to work as a group to achieve one common goal. As a whole we are able to get the job done, and although there are dull moments and times where we may feel defeated, we are always able to uplift our spirits by communicating with one another. I've only been in one clan prior to this that I used TS with, and I couldn't imagine being in another clan after getting so comfortable here. My guess is 147.
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