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AC Ring

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Ring

  1. @Alex1m deadman is seriously $1.50?! Where and how?? Lol
  2. Good fight dude!! You should pk while I kill blues bro. D bones are 6k a pop
  3. Oh my. Nice dude. What's a mill cost dmm or osrs??
  4. Hey I just wanted to say thanks @AC Reaction for the 1m dmm swap from osrs. He gave me my 1m first and that takes a lot from an intro. This post is also to confirm that I'm a trustworthy clan member. Can I get a confirm, AC Reaction??
  5. Yeah the trading spot should definitely be in the ge
  6. Dude this is amazing. Great job man
  7. D claws would be op I'm sure and it'd be hard for the average joe to get ahold of them but if it will populate dmm I'm down for it. People have put hard work into their accounts and they need people to kill and trade with.
  8. Man..I was gonna use Gary's hood too. Not sure what to do now..
  9. Don't quit reapply after correcting your mistake
  10. I agree 100%. Keep up the forums posting and I will as well. AC is the best clan out there and let's keep it that way.
  11. What auto clicker did you use? I thought everyone auto clicked alchs..what difference does it actually make? You have no advantages over anyone else. Lol f fagex
  12. Yeah man I'm in New York on a trip. RIP xp
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