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AC Ring

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Ring

  1. Interesting updates. No point in doing DT then for the entire season. Works for me haha
  2. The only one I missed out on today ffs. good job though
  3. Outrageous. Get a life. Jk I'm mad jealous.
  4. Elder maul drop bright and early this morning. 4 man/1 lady split. 1.9m added to the pot thanks to Da Best G's death.
  5. Unfortunately I missed this trip. Great job taking over guys.
  6. Good luck buddy-hope you make gobs of $$$$
  7. Best of luck to our dmmers during the tourney. hope you make loads of cash
  8. Had fun guys. Can't wait to hit it again
  9. Love the smited +1s. Let's get back at it!
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