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AC Ring

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Ring

  1. Rebuild bro you got this. No need to xfer but you can if you want
  2. Helpful bro. I'm trying to gain as fast as I can. This helps
  3. Yeah flowers are actually a really good idea. If you don't wanna take any true damage atk a baby but the regular blues will agro you right by the pipe. I made a sick exit last night
  4. Yeah bro it was a 111 :s Scary shit
  5. Sounds sick. I'm low Mage but am ready for the quest. I'd be down if a group is going! Hmu in game or ts
  6. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone in ts yesterday evening that helped me out with my very first xlog at blue drags. My heart was racing but I made it out safely. Thanks again -Ring
  7. Mhm those mofos were trying to kill me while I trained agility...like really man? Cmon..lol
  8. Dude try burning a log? I know the walls there but it should kick you out
  9. How risky is an auto clicker for alching?
  10. Da Grinch needs to go down. Him and rot salad
  11. Man dude I was on ts with you when this happened. What skill are you going for to rebuild with? Maybe fishing? If not I'd try out chaos druids
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