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Everything posted by humpmedumpty

  1. so i just pked these pots and cash from some1 lol, anybody can have bank loot kill em all
  2. The shit i've pked so far, if you're interested in buying anything bulk lemme know ill sell cheap
  3. My progress for seaonals so far, 60 def 80 range 70 hp 70 agility UPDATE ON FEW KILS
  4. HEY AC!! , hump here my first 3 trips on seasonals went well, thought i'd share more to come
  5. thx every1 hope to talk to u all soon, on the grind got piety and gilded
  6. o giggs i didnt know u were ac lol mybad! i literally logged in under u and attked instant i logged in....
  7. So i was suiciding for a bit today, and came across this guy in lumby, GG BANK p.s happy new years boys
  8. full mystic like 200 barrages 200 bursts and tones of pots, was set for a whole day of barrows
  9. so ac has killed me for the second time , lost over 600k this time, even after i've said i was intro like 5 times, i then go onto the teamspeak to inquire about my gear and was told by i love cane that he hates me and im that "humpmedumpty faggot" so i just left teamspeak before getting abused anymore. hope something could be done. thanks my intro was posted http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/9077-humpmedumptys-intro/ and i died today at 7:15pm
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