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skull thief

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  1. lost 565m to soz 4 tank lolol https://gyazo.com/455a1a70269318a9e152f44d9fa3c61f, he impersonated elysian...
  2. It's not my birthday but thanks anyways. No problem for the drop party. I like staking because i like the adrenaline rush. I don't know what to do with half the money, except sell it. Spend ur money wisely. Or just gamble it away like me lolololol.
  3. I died a man. Better get me a statue. gf max gear. glad u got out though.
  4. w000000000t, heres my shopping spreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, https://gyazo.com/a40d32a4e2e48200f3d7128da70bb4b2 got that fking ellyyyyyyyyy alluuuu u a fking beast.
  5. i'm gonna ask him 150k more evrytime he tries do buy something from me again
  6. oh wauw, he was nice to me though. but ok then.
  7. loooool 4th time he dies this week i killed this kid 2 times 2 days ago
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