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AC Vamp

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by AC Vamp

  1. Well, I have been gone for a few months due to being scammed and just not feeling any motivation to try and continue events and stuff with the clan, But ever since before I joined i had an account i played casual off to the side that i havn't played whilst in the clan. Over the past few months I've been leveling the account and questing my self to try and meet requirements and cash to be able to do pvming/pvping with clan members. So, I feel like I'm far enough along to say I am comfortable with my cash and supplies to be able to do those things. I hope everyone can forgive my disappearance. STATS BELOW
  2. I need gp 5m-20m ill pay you 50% more than what you give me friday when i get paid
  3. nice one guys, and @KingTheGreat what client do you use???
  4. Great job guys if my computer easnt being dissected I woulda joined
  5. Really any mic would work even a cheap pair of ear buds that have the mic. but if you are looking for something for about 150-220 look into the blue yeti. there are some others but i would just use a cheap pair of ear buds with a built in mic or maybe a set of turtle beaches. its all based on preference. just goto the electronic store and see if they can suggest anything for you, they could help you a lot better depending on what your price range is quality is always good as well but as long as you can hear people fine and they can hear you then you are all G
  6. I agree with Sp33dy here, once you get a mic and get to know some people you will be noticed a lot better.
  7. Well, a while back i loaned an ags to someone to try and merch people on osrs and they were hacked and the ags was stolen, a few days later i was downloading a few things and ended up getting Key Logged and had 50m+ stolen from my account, i have authenticator and everything setup and have changed email and the password on the account a few times. Cleaned the computer up and everything and got rid of the keylogger. I'm now in a predicament where I have nothing on osrs besides my few untradables. If anyone has some extra PK sets or spare cash that i could use for sets/merching (I'm DONE staking) it would be greatly appreciated.
  8. RuneScape is boring as fuck so peace. Wasted too much money on this.
  9. just kidding, title is for attention. Leaving the clan have fun everyone good luck getting keys.
  10. yeh i was whispering his main acc the whole time
  11. ight. im going to bed now, its 6 am lol. message me alter about it in pm
  12. alright thanks bro, if anything i want my 07 back if he doesnt have the dmm.
  13. message him or some shit for me :/ thats a fairly large loss
  14. Hello my name is jim. I have a big cockerspaniel dog.
  15. So, i can't find anyone with a reasonable rate. I have about 157m 07 that im wanting to transfer
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