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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. AHAHAHAHHAHA Pre sure this is him actually
  2. Fuck yeah ncie pics, wish i had 99 pic taking level, was a good trip
  3. Haha gratz, i still dont care that I didnt come after dmm sure
  4. Oh that show was so annoying lol
  5. I have played with Jimbo ALOT since DMM release last year, I knew he was banned from ts a few days ago but had no idea what happened, and still haven't been able to talk to Jimbo and no one knows what happened - was there any reasoning behind this? I have played with him and always trusted him whenever I have played with him. We were in the same clan at the start of DMM also, in DME, as were a few others who are still around in AC currently), never anything shady from my side of the story - knowing him probably the longest (bar the black spot in the middle of this year when I was inactive due to study/working at sea). I'd like to know some reasoning behind this also please, I am curious. EDIT: You should probably write a bit more Jimbo, you were pretty ambiguous (though you might not have anything to say, which is fair...).
  6. Lol nice, i wil be online in proper timezones this weekend so lets pk pewpew
  7. Thats awesome, too bad I will probably go to sea in week1 lol
  8. Remember alot of those events, I should take recordIng again but ik i wont edit to upload them lol
  9. Think you accidently forgot to alt tab to tinder b4 typing giggs
  10. Damn awesome, too late though probly lmfao
  11. Wut.... o_o You must be sooo poor or crackin a mad joke lol
  12. Nice one, id love to see the key that tata got from me last night plsu my entire ancients and melee pking gear i was holding at the time at warriors, rip!
  13. jesus nice, pm me if ur interested in selling those Gotta get my melee up tonight as im working on 82mage today at my course lol
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