I have played with Jimbo ALOT since DMM release last year, I knew he was banned from ts a few days ago but had no idea what happened, and still haven't been able to talk to Jimbo and no one knows what happened - was there any reasoning behind this?
I have played with him and always trusted him whenever I have played with him. We were in the same clan at the start of DMM also, in DME, as were a few others who are still around in AC currently), never anything shady from my side of the story - knowing him probably the longest (bar the black spot in the middle of this year when I was inactive due to study/working at sea).
I'd like to know some reasoning behind this also please, I am curious.
EDIT: You should probably write a bit more Jimbo, you were pretty ambiguous (though you might not have anything to say, which is fair...).