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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. He's still way better at bridding than me, but yeah, him and awakening died to Torvesta/his clan(is that LiT leftovers...?). There still is loots around to hunt in sdmm guys, just not swapping any back now lmao (I play for fun though, and hunting those people is defs fun!)
  2. I know it was expeted being multi, and this is how the game works and all... BUT Anteeks must have been scared of the thought of seeing him sooo maxed out in gear AND stats that they had to revert to this and delete him before he got there. We dont even pk/hunt b0aty in multi, as we know he brings the game alive, its kind of sad, that these inbred sadistic fucks like ruining dmm (ik its already dead, but any publicity is publicity for the future). https://clips.twitch.tv/b0aty/EnergeticWolfSuperVinlin
  3. Adding in: Actually pissed I missed it, tryed to change time to 1 instead of 9 but they wouldnt swap...
  4. Is the dark bow a reliable wep to use as a spec for hybrid mage/range pvp? Contemplating it with 92 range or a dds with 75str/70atk...
  5. Aidsssss fuck that, il go kill then when they go in the wildy lmao
  6. Nah @richiee wants it lol, btw i saw a zammy pet on sdmm today!!!
  7. Im so confused how speedster gets so many points, i see bwuk and glggs post on every topic but barely see anywhere near the same anount from speedster. Is there a private forums where us non rank arent able to get bulk points? D:
  8. I enjoy pvm, but I have everything I need that I play for fun instead of grinding for cash. Being a PSO member pre eoc to the release of 07, Stud unit member for a couple years there-after I am more than well equipped for pvm (with 150+ guides/vids on yt), but enjoy the pvp clan scene alot more as people are versitile and I can pvm with my pvm clan friends through my fl if I wanted anyhow. Now this being said, I will be at sea just after christmas, and the tourny should be mid december so I doubt I will have time to play both (sdmm should be end of december). But I am keen to do raids if there is no dmm out at that point lmao
  9. Lol u wanted to the mutagen
  10. Il be on dmm till the time is up, then back to 07
  11. I am Australian, and I have no idea what the fuck is going on Woo woo.
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