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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. I feel like I am at a constant disadvantage being in the country in Australia(worse than the average aussie shit-net), flicking prayers i need to do it 1second in advance. How the fuck do I put melee protection on for gmaul? I need a 0.1second reaction to maybe get it 1tick b4 it hits... At least thats what my unstanding is. I still try, but it looks aweful lol!
  2. Rank 751 was 2k 3 days ago, times are tough!
  3. I am lvl114 but im fkn shit at tribrid I just have the combat to make the nuubs scurrrred and use range/mage lmao. I do have full dharoks though, hehe!
  4. That is fucking heaps to happen in a few days holy shit, I hope wiggleds team keeps the items and doesnt sell them back to tata but who knows, I spose tata has backup sets theyre been there a while now
  5. Does anyone know how long all this happened in? Like fuck me that was fucking insane tbh... wiggled and his team returning for how ever long that was and just raping tata taking all their shit and then logging out just to say "fuck you, we are the best, kneel down fuck boys,get fucking rekt again"
  6. worse than out da front abo version
  7. Not bad bro, reminds me of "Unregistered Hypercam" hehe
  8. Gimme me double points for one topic. Check.
  9. Saw it earlier, killing the dh rushers was the best. Id like to ser a vid of his deaths though
  10. I mean it was his fault, but still scummy lol
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