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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. Hey speedster are we still using these exact headers, or should I make a custom art
  2. Holy shit i missed this o_O
  3. I cant work out if nerf or buff still...
  4. I can already see the poll results being all fucked up like the melee helm and legs passing but not the body, and the robetop but nothing else lmao
  5. Tempting but my time is worth more elsewhere at this point lol
  6. Tempting to get my 7 acxounts buyin waters flat out but I think i missed the get go here.
  7. Good trip boys keep it up, nice turn outs and that ballista lure lnao
  8. How can they try to nerf and buff it lmao, Jamflex cmon
  9. Sad to see you go, skillers are always handy. But I swear ive stil seen you on.. confusing..
  10. Lmfao didnt see this, but i defs heard you on ts last night.
  11. Make sure to post your pics on your tracker paul
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