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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. Holy shit I seen this but didn't know this was you guys, haha REKT!
  2. Damn Zulrah forescales skewing the price! Nice key but!
  3. Haha ive seen that a few times warring in barb or lava drags
  4. Was this the trip when y'all rekt that Lit dude?
  5. Can't wait to join the Multi PK trips and become AC Rixz <3
  6. Sick vid bro, I thought for ssure that the 66 exp drop you had would have had him - DMM exp drops have put my pre-hit calculations all out of whack lol
  7. Nice key, gratz mate P.S. Let me know if you need to sell super sets
  8. What is the profit of gp/h of blue scale collecting? Seems risky and you get no exp from it? Kinda why I don't like Zulrah with no exp, even though I killed Profit Snek 100 times week2 lol
  9. Heard of this tactic, too bad that luring has become a bit more common than actual pking (and it is fair enoug), since the player count is going to complete poop - we need a server merge!
  10. Noice, did you get a dbow from the guy with dragon arrows? or blowpipe maybe cause the darts?
  11. Yissssss niceeeee, best ive gotten is a karils crossbow pk week2
  12. Is LiT the same clan as Vel? Or is it a new clan? I see them around the place now
  13. OMg I can't wait to go on multi pk trips again, ever since my last clan flopped (deadman elite), I have just stuck to training and singles pking FeelsBadman
  14. Nice bro, what's the steel pick for? escape or something?
  15. It's a nice key when the lowest item is a mystic top (black too!)
  16. They will put the worlds down to a lower number soon hopefully, nice kills
  17. A+ Luring right there ^ Assuming it is the same clip as the one on Sparcmacllve right? Black screen for me
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