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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. Ooh gg, i wonder if tds on dmm would be safe
  2. I sell cat 100gp, ya ya? ot, i havnt seen any1 else with arma pet yet hehe
  3. Learn south wall properly and il duo with you
  4. Good work fellas, sad I had to afk as soon as we started hopping and missed the main action
  5. Ignore the haters, they cant cope with such a harsh environment! Ask around in the discord, tata has been playing 45 for a year now, and they are constantly swapping between the gamemodes(ac is "usually" on the purchasing not selling end of swaps atm).
  6. Got me a copy of that megan fox one so I can fap while making gainz, muchly appreciated
  7. I had fun standing in corp last night for an hour, not letting cumlord fgts get their items back from death. 

    Honestly that was a true mmorpg experience, only to be had on dmm - holding down a section of the game for however long we wanted :) 

  8. You can get sum1 to help whohas already finished it on the ph gang
  9. Some1 shuda played this last night at the corp massacre
  10. Pretty sick kill, man corp was funy as fuck camping it lol
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