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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. Hey dude, already got you added but I will need to use it please RSN: AC Rixz
  2. Damn nice guys, you not playing sDMM anymore?
  3. Damn all three of you got barrows gloves? Very nice, I hope we can keep enough AC on sDMM, with all these people going back to 07 pking :/
  4. Ill need to hir you up this week or next week sometime please I will do Kings Ranson first though!
  5. If you want to sell beforehand that is fine, because we will have to wait until tomorrow to talk prices etc, and I dont want to put you out of any sales. Up to you! Cheers
  6. I hope you pursue what you are after and you have a good ride in life. I am currently working my dream job, at sea, fishing, I had to give up Internet to get out here which was big, if I had not have given up on raiding on WoW a year ago I dont think I would have gave up so easily. My wife and 1y.o. daugther helped me out there, though reaistically I play RuneScape too much, when I get the chance. RuneScape is a great semi-casual game, though hard to play semi-casual with clans sadly (espc. sDMM) I will have to make sure to have your new sDMM main added (dont know if I have AlwaysLose added, or w/e that new name was). All in all, I finish fishing season this week and I hope I can get some time in for singles PK trips with you before you leave in late July (a long time away!) i will lookup CSC when I get in from sea, or you can tell me about it Good luck with your job, Ill chat to you on TS soon!
  7. I am interested in the serp helm, some scales, dfs, some of the potions(scp, stams, brews, rests), some blood runes(maybe) and the fury, I am out of town (working at sea) for the next 36 or so hours, then I should be home. If you still have any, or would be happy to hold any, we could discuss prices then! Thank you! Edit: and cash too, but I assume that will go first.
  8. I would like to buy the dfs, but I am currently at sea and wont be online for about 36hours or so (tomorrow night for me). Let me know if you still have it then, I suppose Would you potentially hold the dfs for me pls?
  9. Now get one on Seasonal or regular DMM! Kappa cx
  10. I could use this also please, ill be back then also hopefully
  11. In a week, I plan on going, but I am still at sea and will train 70/80 beforehand
  12. Did my ensouled heads in past dmm with no worries for 60-72, not a soul seen the wntire time getting % either. Probly cbf this time round though, although I could alch while I do the %, and do it with a group hmmmm....
  13. Cheers mate, got some house tabs earlier, got all portals in my house now Just need time to grind aggressive stats and its pewpew barrage brid time!
  14. Ggwp montel, tbough i have nfi who that is lol
  15. Nice, I got myself 250 kills in last DMM at the beginning but I only got an Onyx and two D meds. Plus not getting experience really knocked me back sitting at 94mage 93range for ageees
  16. Letss goo land fox haha, u got ahrims already?
  17. Nice post man, even my noob account exploded243 in tournies somehow was apparently 12 crafting in that hiscores screenshot rofl, didnt screenshot my rank1 lv93 fletcher tho lol
  18. Yeah Andrew Im in, but I wont be able to train my acc for at least another 2 weeks (fishing still), so 3-4 weeks to count me in got all quests just need time to get online and grind easy stats Got gold too, its just a time thing now lol
  19. Lol I was at the bank when yall left, I set my ice burst bubbles aside and let yall take them without me (So i could keep alching rofl)
  20. Great news, but do something now pls jamflex
  21. Omg fuck yeah, wish I was online for moments like this Why do spastics go solo multi? Or did Leg Ends dip on him? Lol
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