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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. I honestly didnt know he was in tata? Is that legit...? Got him on friends I used to talk to him, talked in tournies anyway
  2. Good stuff, I was there wish dmm hadnt died so fast
  3. Yep it will be in all and any dmm from now on, ppl would moan
  4. Ye thats it, either climbers or mystic pending on what you use most, but the magic for freezes is more important imo. Defender is worth it if youre meleeing alot ofc, it also has defensive stats, up to you if u want a shield to tank.
  5. Rip dude, but why are u protecting range over hp? Usually I would be all for range prot over hp, but u have higher hp than range. Unless you plan on slaying alooooot, and just doing melee..? what task were u om? In multi?
  6. Il trade tlegs for skirt cmon bro, u said u wanted a clanmate to use em!
  7. Haha gratz Haha yes! Now when we use a DSpear we will NEVER MISS! Owait we just use it for the spec, my bad .
  8. Easiest way is buying bones and using a gilded alter (if u know sum1 with one). Ectofuntus is safe if u but slimes from the chartermen, and fast if u use ectophial. Otherwise killing something for big bones might be ok, youre in a shit spot without prayer u gotta suck it up and risk it tbh.
  9. Hahahahahaha theyre so shit omg, shitty robes bone crossbows and fucking SNARE! Before a blitz LOOOOL damn u pro
  10. Lucky as hell, I swear everyone ia getting kbows and that theyre gonna be fairly cheap soon haha
  11. Nice mate, should help out some people, great time investment
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