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Everything posted by Rixz

  1. Someone wana give me the run down..? Ooh 1 year in ac today lmao
  2. Lol retard goes into multi thinking hes god at the game, famous people on rs are so stoopid.
  3. Those Magic short bows are stunning, I wonder who made those Good kill fellas!
  4. Hey @Sp33dy20 I've looked into the starting time for tournies and for me it is 1hr30min earlier in all calculations I have done - if Im wring that is a good thing,id rather be corrected now! 

    Could you double check your countdown is correct pls?

    1. Take pics

      Take pics

      "Beginning at roughly 12:00pm GMT on December 12th, yourself and the rest of the 2,000 participants will be able to log into the Deadman Invitational world"

      That's in 3 days 23 hours 40 minutes

      Then the timer is 25 hours off

      This assumes that 12pm GMT december 12th is midnight, so when tuesday starts.

    2. Rixz


      Yeah it does need a day added either way, good point. Though you are wrong for one bit there, as 12pm is midday not midnight (midnight is 12am)

      I am certain the timer is incorrect, as I live in gmt+10.5 (adjusted for dls), and that would mean the timer needs to move forward 22.5hours

    3. Take pics

      Take pics

      I live in gmt+1. just adding the minutes from the timer to my time will round off the hour. Adding half an hour therefore doesn't make sense to me. You may have done something wrong with your strange timezone :P


      I thought times of a day would range from 00am to 12am, and then 00pm to 12pm. Does it go 12am to 11:59am, and then 12pm to 11:59pm? If thats the case then 11 hours should be added (Idk if the timer was already changed but calculating it with the current timer makes my 25hrs statement 2hrs off)

  5. Does it count if I have double the exp of 99 in every conbat skill, and 2300 total on my pre eoc acct lmao
  6. The cc names really do look good on konduit, I hope osb puts that in
  7. Sounds like u guys rekt it, im still at work on the tug boat rip
  8. I love the Dmm tournies, thats the best fun on rs these days -its amazing, 5days of a packed ts any time of the day Number: 13
  9. Meh, rdt is just another drop, doesnt mean it was close to a hilt or anything. Think of it like a spinning wheel every drop.
  10. Do barrows on dmm its 102% safe and 200% higher profit
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