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  1. Hey guys, I've quit runescape for a while, and I am ofcourse coming back for seasons! I've had some issues in the past with some members, and my account being hacked by friends of GOT BREWS or GOT BREWS himself, I've had a splendid time pking with ac members in the multi or pking with 2 other guys. I hope that I'm still welcome and will make a application as soon as I have made some new friends and such. If a mod could pm me and help me out with the permissions on teamspeak, that would be awesomeee. GL BOYS
  2. If you still need account, let me know.

    1. Damntasty


      I'll buy/lend your account if possible!

    2. Salad


      Let me whhen you get on ts3.

  3. I'm willing to pay 20m still for a dmm tourny account if I can get access to it today, I'm fine with paying like a 40m deposit to make sure that the one that borrows the account to me feels safe that I won't suicide it or anything ^^
  4. Yo guys, im want to borrow a dmm account for the tournament*, and I will go first on the condition that you're a trusted guy ;). I can do other payment methods aswell! Me and my brother want to play tournament dmm but our accounts are banned
  5. Ofcourse I could block out the information, but then nobody will ever believe it because I could of photoshopped the image way too easily. I'll just let the leader decide what happens. I've pked multiple times with Joshog( we both skulled), I could of killed him easily every time, which I didn't, I'm not a bser. Also, after I indeed killed budsdaily, I let bobobobobob use my altar freely aswell.
  6. This exactly. Also @sp33dy20 I know it will sound like I'm lieing, but my friend is not willing to sent screenshots of received paypal e-mails of the chargeback., which contain all his personal info(adress, bank account, full name). It's not relevant enough to give out all this information for a clan in a GAME is the thing my friend says, which I support fully. Even without this evidence I don't see the big problem, I've killed someone that lost a 30k bank, and 10k exp in combat stats. I'll happily pay the amount back and a some cash for the stats he lost (which are equivalent to 10 mins of training).......
  7. He changed his name to seprah ends, should check cc instead of a hiscore. Nerds
  8. I've never said that you scammed me, I've always said that you scammed a friend of mine. The name of the guy is Vel King, and I'll ask him if he is willing to screenshot his received paypal chargeback e-mails. You DID try to scam me for paying for the altar, which is not a huge deal, but it does say something about you.
  9. Yo guys, I've recently killed someone that was apparently a AC member, budsdaily He's a known paypal scammer(he pays with paypal and chargebacks right after receiving the gold), he scammed a friend of mine for 40$. I saw him asking for a gilded altar in the cc, and I was like, that's my chance to pay this guy back. I asked in the teamspeak if he was an ac member, and I received the answer no. and so on, I invited him to my house and killed him. I received a 16k bank key and dragon bones, and I got immediatly kicked because he would be an important ac member. I'll happily pay the guy his d bones back, if that solves the issue( he lost like 10k exp max). I hope you guys understand the issue. There was another guy of ac after that using my gilded altar (boboboboob), I didn't kill budsdaily for the loot, but just for the justification. I really want to come back, I've went on a pk trip with you guys yesterday, and really enjoyed it. Helped some people out in singles aswell, and got a red skull. What do you guys think?
  10. Better scam some more people on paypal now to get your 16k bank key back, this guy even tried to scam me paying for the altar lol
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