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Everything posted by LuckyFive

  1. i hope the normal deadman mode servers never die.. this whole seasonal shit is just a complete waste of time. i woulda suggested maybe something like a varying shield for new players. or something like until lvl 75 theres only a range of people within 20 levels can attack you. idk regardless seasonal is just bullshit
  2. hell yeah barrows is the shit.. got dh helm guth helm and ah taff in my first 10 chests.. only about 1.4m or so but still freakish luck. cant wait to get somethin really good
  3. nothin beats seein a cash stack like that when ya open a key.. nice
  4. great song choice.. worked out nicely for the vid =)
  5. so close to barrage myself bet ur lovin it.. gz mate
  6. man thats the best when pvmin.. i see a skull instant reaction is to attack first.. decide whether to run or whoop ass second lol
  7. least ya didnt lose too much.. i was really cocky my first trip there.. had to of lost over 1.5m worth of drops after camping for a solid 4 hours. lesson learned, not too hard for rot to kill ya there =/
  8. stupid lucky.. cant wait for 85 slay
  9. sick idea to post all of these... good stuff little idea.. maybe another thread for record setting keys.. maybe 10m min er somethin =p
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