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combat kmk1

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Everything posted by combat kmk1

  1. imagine this on Halloween scary af, also reset windows get new hard drive for best protection and change router and ip << this may be too extreme but needed if u worked hard on rs and change all pass
  2. good to know its easy to forget and miss clicks
  3. so this guy attacks me and missclicks/suicides he was quiting i right click see junk......and on top 2 abbyssal whip..... lol
  4. i agree 100% also it takes time to respond to members in distress.
  5. yes ^ i alched fire runes at 5gp eac, it gives u back 1gp.
  6. 10pm est am down for dt but who wants to dp pre quests before??? add: bfm combat
  7. yeah just check Reddit massive boting increase past weeks
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