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  1. DAMNN I wanna camp out wyvs until my visage drop. Just RoT clears the cave so often now
  2. Yeah thats a good idea, basically just follow up every application or intro with TS presence
  3. Im a huge fan of Soulection, and many of my friends are rookie DJs that perform with them. If anyone likes this type of music, hit me up been on this Soulection tip for a good minute. https://soundcloud.com/soulection
  4. Hi Nexio, As a former CD member, I second this motion. Glad to see a friendly face here applying as well. Cheers mate!
  5. definitely good loot because mulemanmode
  6. Awesome to know that this service is here. Thank you!
  7. Nice! currently 99 just camp out skeletal wyvs
  8. Ideally, str and mage would be good for rogue pking or smaller pking trips. Overall, I love range/mage combo especially with range tank specs
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