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Everything posted by Ketchup

  1. damnnn good job bro
  2. def not rot is my name in teamspeak thanks you very much for your time
  3. No, when I try to join teamspeak its say : You are banned permanently. Reason: "bsing members"
  4. No i don't know who banned me and I didn't even talk to anyone. I was trying to fix my mic so there no way I bsed anyone
  5. today I decided to join ts to meet new AC members,noticed I couldn't move any channel so I just stayed in lobby until I got perma banned with the reason ''bsing members'' well I don't really know what I did to bs anyone can someone help me? thanks very much for your time
  6. nice finally someone who dosnt mule ! awsome man good job
  7. damn really sucks man good luck on rebuild
  8. very nice bro ! I need them too but to lazy haha
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