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  1. I kinda already figured i dont wanna join ac anyway, you guys are all a bunch of faggots that dont know how to pk. After some research i can tell most of guys suck giant penisses so Delete my post/account, u may keep my picture if u want. Challas
  2. Check their vids and there's your answer ^^
  3. i dont have an ign account, i dont do forums man, i do punishers
  4. so we both changed our picture, aren't we sexy?
  5. real gamers sit behind their computers with diapers my friend, you are not alone
  6. and is everyone allowed to join the teamspeak server? Btw guys, teamspeak? rlly? discordapp.com <
  7. I just want u guys to show me love instead of hurting me and as u guys might figured already im not the forum kinda gangster, scary, are you a?
  8. Haha i know right? That message is like "say what?". U guys were killing fishers, i noticed u guys( saw some ac tags, cant recall the names tho ) and i came by and i was like "waddup guys!" and no one gave a fuck, u guys showed no mercy so there for im saying a quiet little 'fuck u guys' somebody hit 50 on me though, that was pretty cool post #6
  9. u guys killed me 5 times after saying i applied to u guys, want me to suck cocks to join? Like i said, i suicide, its what i do, i make bank bulk bonk money g manni doekoe flow dont fuck with me 1 lov
  10. and 3......... is this allowed?
  11. Hi, I just wanna join AC or atleast be part of a community which I can suicide for. Im working on a suicider, goal: 99 range/99 mage ( right now 80 range 94 mage ) u've might seen me around: I am Sezoklo. Im trying to read all the PINNED things and do all that stuff but im not really familiar with signing up the way you guys want me to so imma just put a message here. I know u guys are probably really strict about all this and really want me too apply like the rest. Like for now my question is, do u guys need suiciders? All I wanna do is suicide and kill rot(a.k.a "the small penis club") i've noticed there are a couple of req like having a decent bank etc, my bank is big, i could show in-game. So far i've been playing DMM to make money and I do whatever it takes to take keys and annoy rot. I know this isnt a good application but I think i have to do 10 posts before i can even introduce myself so... might as well ask these things before telling you guys who i really am. 1 love, Miss no face
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