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Pen Cap

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Everything posted by Pen Cap

  1. missed it, worked last night :/
  2. ya i like how its finally a one handed maybe will be used for once
  3. i saw this and starting laughing out loud
  4. likes like fun doing hunter for money, if i can get an account
  5. did they release skill req for the stuff?
  6. they started bringing one item lv 90 to kill me off when i was spamming the piles lol
  7. nice nice cant wait till i can start raids
  8. needa level up my slayer..
  9. bet ya guys are glad number 1 looter wasnt at that drop darty.. nice vid
  10. i got 935, might grind a lv 3 and see if i get top 2k in a couple hours
  11. The best part is they needed so many people to kill so little..
  12. Cant wait to have stats to join this, sweet video! Happy birthday ac!
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