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I HistoryLes

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  1. very nice, hopefully i can see keys like that soon lol by the time im done training gonna be 25 ppl on each world
  2. I will sell potions to members at a discounted price will always have brews, and p pots prices fluctuate
  3. power mining that mining level up, gave me a scare on my farming run https://gyazo.com/b5a2376decfeea5b3d312eb82be9a2a2
  4. damn too bad the loot tracker dont work correct prices
  5. Great community tS always active & meeting alot of cool people.
  6. deffinitly agree but i do not think jagex ever would unless we win a vote
  7. my thinking of this would be untradeables in bank would stay. Sorry shouldve made that clear I feel like more people wouldve voted yes on that. Glad to hear everyones opinion. I personally think new accounts should not get a grace period. nor after death. but I think untradeables should be turned into GP
  8. hey man add my rsn im gonna be doing some barrows for fun/money soon ive done search of myrq "I historyles"
  9. There has been a lot of debate lately on the future of deadman mode so I have made a poll of some common questions/suggestions. Please take your time to review this poll and let me know what you think. Post why you voted yes/no
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