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Dump Her4 RS

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Everything posted by Dump Her4 RS

  1. This is awesome man! @Murderiser https://gyazo.com/00219e74c8692ac54c2bc4f2685b3f11 i can put your name on it for you if you want.
  2. Not sure man, but she's hot AF right? Found the pic like 2 years ago on some underground as fuck forums site. Had it ever since
  3. I liked the series called "Forever". http://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/tvbanners/10777301/p10777301_b_v7_ab.jpg Also, try watching family guy lulz. And the last one i recommend is.... Dragon Ball Z Super. Infact, watch the whole other series (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z,) Then Super. You can watch KAI and GT but those arn't part of the story line really but good to watch after you've seen the rest.
  4. https://gyazo.com/c8239e75724b1833311630b2eedb2863 Not much, but was still worth going to mass with you guys, getting to know members and even clearing a few small clans c:
  5. Nice loot you lucky bastard XD guess the RS gods heard your call
  6. Pretty sure han solo wanted to be writed off. I thought it was good, There might be one more movie but after that, It should be done. they can't possibly stretch it any longer..
  7. https://gyazo.com/27944f53ec9e259a9c706e93965f24ad tried my best. Pls no laffs.
  8. Wow man that's some good loot. What's the pker ratio there? I'm too scared to go
  9. That really sucks man, happened to me before, but to be honest. The death is a lesson of you shouldn't forget things like that. Always make sure your attack option is on hidden in safezones, even if you already know it is. It's good nature to practice it. Once again though, sucks that had to happen...hope you don't quit
  10. Very nice guide, useful for me since I'm on a budget for fighting zul'rah and would rather have more brew/food slots, than have it flooded with magic/runes and risk dying.
  11. Hey guys, I can't donate right now which sucks but I got another cool way I can start contributing to you guys! I'm 99 fletching so FREE MITH GRAPPLES to all AC members when I get them! As I know they're cheeky to come by and needed for arma GWD
  12. Lmfao, this is actually hilarious. Kappa123
  13. That really sucks :((( Edit* I also recommend a house in polivineach, requires 20 con and i also ran into 0 people with that strat
  14. Gratz on barrage man!, I gotta hop on that soon..
  15. Meanwhile it took me about 600 to get me a steel defender lol
  16. Not sure if this is allowed to be posted on forums (My post) But I recommend using oak dice. I've never had issues with it, and 10M Osrs will get you about 1.4-1.5M DMM~ (using oak dice)
  17. Fire giants have access to rare drop table I believe? I got one from mammoths, but damn that's impressive man! I wish I had opportunities come up like that for me with my spear D:
  18. I'm hoping to join too, I recently joined CD because friends made me, now I saw it died quick and it was pointless joining
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