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Dump Her4 RS

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Everything posted by Dump Her4 RS

  1. Nice profile pic ;-) that ass is delicious.

  2. Hold the bloods/deaths/rune knives/stam pots/cow hides/rune arrows/ all uncut gems for me. RSN: Saint vince
  3. I don't care if it gets sold or not, It would be nice to have OSRS but if i don't sell it I'll just go clean the rest of DMM for their banks
  4. Selling all this, Looking for OSRS GP Rate: 1:1 ... TS - Saint Vince, or PM me on my osrs account Rented World (Willing to negotiate if you buy it all) Or post here.....
  5. Won the match and got to use toxic staff 1 kill, EZ PZ (Other person was tonub)
  6. Bullshit, many of us saw you yesterday. you're full of shit. Unless someone was impostering your name. confirm?
  7. Why are you here? You were banned from the TS yesterday for luring clan mates. You also refused to leave a room that was LOCKED for PK only, while you had no microphone and were not with us on a PK trip.
  8. 2 things you did wrong. 1. Take shit evidence of what happened. 2. Post your shit evidence here because all it did was start drama. 3. bonus round, you can't prove anything with this so why even come here if you're "not mad"? Attention seeker IMO
  9. Neat. Well, in that time you should come up with a plan to maybe get him some stuff while he's on that 6 hour clock, hell they might even remove trading off to prevent leaching off other accounts for 6 hours (Why I say this? It's 6 hours IN-GAME TIME) so speed mules could be done and you could have a legit 100% safe mule account for weeks or months. If they don't, you could give him some stuff and go camp lava dragons for maximum magic/prayer gains, important stuff in DMM to get around safely.
  10. I believe the safety feature is only for accounts that have not left turt island
  11. The only logical reason I can think of is you got sniped from the CC. Though not sure how unless you were talking about things in the CC which is a big mistake. Who knows, maybe even someone from the TS had his buddies come do it? Were you in a TS lobby talking about it? All these questions must be answered if you're interested to know how you got sniped in your house.
  12. Normally things get put in 2 weeks after they're poled, sometimes quicker depending on what they are. But if your buddy is waiting for such a small window of freedom to start playing when you need so many hours to actually be a viable deadman account, I don't think he should dedicate his time.
  13. Good work. Now get 99 fletching with those shafts l0l
  14. There is only two "decent" names here being Roxxane and Mind Games, the others are lol what?
  15. Good job man, I'm at 80~ chests with around 5 items so far
  16. Nice small bounty you got there, keep it up. It adds up
  17. At the time of our PK trip, I will admit I was trying to set you guys up, but If you remember correctly I went in the TS and said I'm the spy and left. Thats when I found out about the buy in and stopped what I was doing. And yes that's how I was getting in, I said it in the topic above
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