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Everything posted by Distad

  1. I feel bad because I was just accepted into the clan. Since around Christmas time I have been on and off DMM and not very active in TS. I have had family in from across the states, so I have been spending time with family and friends. I also wanted to let you all know that I will be returning to the normal work schedule 8 AM -> 5 PM starting tomorrow. I have been off work for Christmas shut down since the 18th of Dec. I will still be making gainz, just not until around 6-7 PM every night for 3-4 hours a night, then free on the weekends! I should be more active in TS starting Monday/Tues! Hope this isnt a problem.
  2. Now before I say anything, I want to say that I was apart of this for like 1-2 days and have done some swapping. But it is getting annoying when the only chat going on in the clan chat is swapping and people arguing about rates. Is there a way that perhaps the higher ups in the CC can inforce that they take it to PM? Or do we just want our clan chat that is free for anyone to join and see our community, being a swapping CC? Just my 2 cents, I am almost to the point where I want to start ignoring people saying the word swap. :l /Endrant
  3. verac skirt, or buy a torag plate/legs. Get that def bonus for your grind to 99 str
  4. Haha. Thanks fellas. Its a 2010 GT, so its sadly only a 4.6L :\ 315 HP All my friends have the new 2011+ 5.0 415 HP But hey whatever lol! Only done a few burn outs, no donuts yet...... I only have a new fascia on the mustang and some wheels but I bought them off a friend to help him out, I want to sell them though. Looking at some velgens Also looking into either air suspension or coils come spring... >.>
  5. I have been wanting to learn videography for a while and never got around to it. I have had a few people request how my car sounds on the car forums, so I finally went out and did a few quick videos, threw them all together with windows movie maker and this is the result. Im not sure if theres any car people here, or mustang lovers. But check it out and let me know of your feedback! I probably shouldn't of thrown so many pictures in, but meh I wanted to show the car when its not in winter mode! Like I said first time ever shooting video, I am sure I made 1000x mistakes. https://youtu.be/3yqMgLn-YP8
  6. Woah nice. I cant wait to start attempting to pk with you guys Hopefully I get some sweet keys!
  7. Maybe he was trying to fake you out! Congrats on the GP
  8. Lol I splash on the giant rats in the area where the family crest quest is in varrock. :') This it too risky for my liking!
  9. I went ahead and bought it! Going to protect strength from here on out
  10. All at yaks? Congrats dude, I will be doing some serious strength training here soon
  11. Haha I was along even though Im not AC fully yet. It was a blast, pretty cool to be apart of a community who does events like this and just doesnt pk/talk on ts all day
  12. Thanks fellas I will buy it when I get back from the Christmas Eve activities Now to decide if I want to keep range or strength
  13. Nice man! Congrats I hope I can start pking with the group sometime soon
  14. I recently bought 1M DMM Gp so I can buy HP insurance. Now I am faced with the dilema of buying HP insurance or keep it protected. The only time I really plan on stepping out of the safe zone would be when we go pk ( if i get accepted ) Currently I have 70 Att 72 Str 70 Def 71 Range 86 Magic. I am planning on going for 94 magic (which is protected obviously) I will be either training str or range to a higher stat for pking (I will mostly be doing multi trips with you guys as I dont feel comfy 1v1 right now) Should I keep protecting HP/Magic? Or should I buy HP insurance and Protect Magic+ Range or Magic + str?
  15. I love the community, I have only been apart of this for a few days but the community makes me feel at home and I love just chatting with everyone
  16. Christmas is the best! Well sorta. Sometimes I have to deal with my annoying ungrateful cousins lolol. But other than that, its pretty cool to see everyone and gather around and enjoy our selves with drinks I actually have no idea what I am getting tomorrow from my parents. Usually get one big gift, kind of sad this will probably be my last Christmas at home. Hoping to have my own house next year
  17. Merry Christmas man. I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Thats pretty rough not having family who want you around, I cant imagine it.. Christmas just wouldnt be the same. Do what makes you happy, if its playing runescape play it, and enjoy the holiday the way you want to spend it!
  18. Untradables in the bank should stay, but if youre PK'd I think we should have like a 2-5 minute timer and thats it. Grace period if you were just PK is NEEDED. Idk how many times I have teled on Cammy on my alt just to be killed 3x in different worlds. New accounts yes, because you know theres some idiot sitting in the cow fields thinking hes going to get bank loot with his MSB waiting for a noob. -.- Maybe up to like level 30 or 50 or something. Or like a 24 hour in game time.
  19. If you can get over the whole "girly" theme that its labeled as Vampire Diary gets really good a few episodes in, also The Originals is based off that, but is way more darker. The Office, How I met your mother, new girl is hilarious!
  20. Congrats man! Im slowly working towards it I am hoping I can get some astrals to start plank making for exp instead of alching, but who knows
  21. Havent gotten an updated picture with the new fascia on.... But here it is with the summer wheels. Plans for spring is to lower it on coilovers or bags, and maybe new wheels and or a wing. Or sell it for a 14/15 5.0.... >.>
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