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Dn GiaCao

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Dn GiaCao

  1. Get some nice kills bro! Im still 50 mage lol.
  2. Lol 99 magic was waste but now that capes give stats its kinda worth. I would have stayed 94 tho.
  3. Decided to go pk with Dn Voltage and found lvl 63 and decided to kill.... I think he buys gold. https://gyazo.com/0ec15e21f747890bd0d0a7d9fc0381ae
  4. Im not trying barrows till i am in ac lol i need someone who can have my back
  5. Cash = more stuff you dont have to sell
  6. Someone skulled in Safezone and helplessly died to me.... the loot! https://gyazo.com/ad3035517fbbb758b9b428c059f2348d=
  7. When you log into a clan with keys above there head. Turns out to be AC. They kill you ;-;
  8. The snow makes it feel so festive A clan that puts effort into there members and website finally lol
  9. Me: *spends 100+ hours on kbd for vissy* you: *kills 1 drag gets one*
  10. I would like to join the AC but i do not know how. I am on most of the time and need a clan to pk and such with!
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