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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Holy hell nice one. RIP someones mule
  2. Give me my rune scim back. jk sorry people are giving you problems but they are right only you can solve them.
  3. Failed and accidentally withdrew one but it was shit. I think I took that poor fellows hp insurance money. Total loot from keys and dropped gear.
  4. That place looks fancy as fuck. Glad you enjoyed your holidays.
  5. He was literally just dark bowing me at terrorbirds.
  6. That place was the sketchiest when I did DT last week.
  7. I work security on nights as well. My old post I could play scape but my new one is super locked down cameras everywhere and corporate security on our ass. Rip my work game time
  8. Once somebody is a member is there a private AC cc?
  9. I was going to do Tourist Trap with you but you demanded we be in the channel with tons of people talking and music playing instead of the quest channel lol. Glad to see you got them done though and good luck on DT.
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