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AC Kaneki

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  1. I started playing Darkscape I love it then Jagex fucked it up. Then a group of friends got me into this so im thankful for that.
  2. Mate I felt the same a few weeks ago I suicided my account till everything went back to 1 besides 75 hp cause I got salty for dying many times now im almost 90 combat and still going strong.
  3. Just gonna make me seem bad thats bullshit. I kept saying I was sorry but know he wants to cut everything out so yeah I said that am i gonna deny it no cause he deserved it I was there gonna support him but then he had to be a dick in the cc
  4. Gonna call me a dick? Really immature. How am I dick I apologized if you didn't know
  5. I hope you get further then where you were before
  6. Well thanks for your opinion's on this Like I feel like shit right now
  7. I wanted to this be public alright so uhm I was in falador collecting wines with my alt. After I while I just started to xp waste and I see him and I wanted to troll an ac member so I hit him with my alt and he had barrage on and skulled. I didnt know that would happen I don't use magic I don't want this to be a big deal either so. I'm sorry that you lose your 94 magic mate I didn't mean it to happen like that.
  8. Thank you please let the mods know about this and also sp33dy please
  9. I went pking with a group of 5 members 2 of them are ac members and the others wouldnt been able to join the ts. So I told them a different ts to join so we can pk. I sign on today and it says that im like what the fuck no one ever said that we cant pk in other ts
  10. Its not a reason cause they dont tell you this shit at all. And how the fuck would my other friends be able to join the ts? they couldnt so if your were in my position you would understand
  11. How is that a fucking reason? the other 2 of my friends wouldnt of been able to join the ts so its stupid
  12. I tried to sign on ts and it said im perm banned like wtf thats some bullshit I went pking with a few friends. I gave them teamspeak to join so we can go pking is that bad no so why tf was I banned if im banned I want a real reason. https://gyazo.com/5a62504d0bd02ea7a18efb7e8b0bc561
  13. Already bought 2 of them there rising in price soo B0NK has been made
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