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Everything posted by dddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  1. If there was a general post about it that anyone could view we could guarantee some opposition from other clans. The element of surprise is also important.
  2. What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no mo'
  3. Wow that's an awesome spell. Too bad it can only be cast on lunars? Correct me if I'm wrong
  4. I have 16m hunt exp. We should get a trip together and go with 3-4 of us.
  5. Nice!!!!!!!!!!!! I love losing my skull at the caves! Gotten 1 obby cape drop and 1 obby maul after KC: 30
  6. On my college internet for some reason it wouldn't let me connect to League of Legends servers, so I had to find a free proxy/vpn to use, and then it worked
  7. Good looking out Also if Subaru isn't online and you've started Fremnick Isles Mithril Sets are for sale on Jaitzo (except the kiteshield, but you don't need that for warriors anyway )
  8. That's a good first key. Wonder why his bank was completely empty though, not even any junk?? I have like a bunch of junk in my bank.
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