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Mercy plz 3

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Mercy plz 3's Achievements

  1. Insane Pk! 140m, this man is set for life! I am sure he has a big target on his back now though
  2. Sounds Awesome, What are the requirements to tag along in this trip if it goes through? Must you be an accepted member first to get in?
  3. Dang that's Crazy man! I was standing by you waiting out that key! Gratz on the loot!
  4. Wow, thats just insane! Why would they add that in and break the game when the competitive seen was going so well!
  5. Wow Don't know how you pulled this one off. I'm 81 cb now and still struggle to find the ingredients. Gratz man
  6. Maybe i gotta try that money making guide alch in bank wait for missclick! Gratz on the 600k tho.
  7. All depends what your into! Black ops 3 or Halo if your competitive multiplayer person (Black ops 3 Preferred) Sports games aren't bad if your a sports person. (Madden person here) Others - Just Cause or Fallout 4. Good Luck
  8. Good luck on the Exams! Remember confidence is key, go in thinking your gonna smash it, and the stuff will come back to you easier.
  9. Currently going to school for my Bachelors in Computer Science. Not too sure where i wanna head off into with my degree yet tho.
  10. One of my personal Favorite spots to train was guard dogs in ardy!
  11. Honestly its gotta be the xp rates. Seeing the gains just makes me want to play more and get that 99 range! Can't wait to be able to pk tho! How about you @Sp33dy20?
  12. Great Job guys, hopefully i can be there next to help next time!
  13. #feelsbadman, how ebarassing, thats gotta hurt the ego a bit.
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