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Everything posted by XIELEVENIX

  1. you've been making bank at lavas lately, nice job man
  2. According to my contract I'm a "Shed Hand" but there's a more technical term for it which is "Roustabout", I basically collect wool from sheep shearers as they shear it off the sheep and throw it onto a table, pick out the stained parts of the wool and then put it in a wool-press, eventually making 204kg bales of wool. Every day we make a bout 20-30 bales. It's hard work but 1k a week keeps me sane.
  3. when rot splashed me 4 times from cammy tele to seers bank with 1m cash on me no food(wasn't thinking)
  4. Did you make any profit doing this to 99? If so how much?
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