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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Facts

  1. Hey I have quit deadman for 2months and now im back for seasonals. Im just currently trying to my herblore on a alt while training range on other acc. If you have the ingredients I can make you the pots, currently at 51 herb. I am currently working 3 jobs and being a full time student, but I am still trying my best to play some seasonals.
  2. So happy I was there, thanks for scouting
  3. Okay, so if theres no proof, who are the three kids that he supposibly scammed, what are there names?
  4. where is the proof? a lot of people talk shit aabout him, but he never scammed.
  5. this just makes me want to quit, and the reason why i started playing runescape is because of deadman mode.
  6. http://prntscr.com/9u2ecr So cz3ch22 was killed in maxed by most the people here, which was most likely organized my adamant. Hastes explanation is that he scammed. Dont know if speedy is aware of this, but where is the proof, because I know cz3ch22 for a long time and he would not scam. @ac adamant, are you really that desperate for gp? If their was evidence, he should of been kicked and not bullshitted for max gear and all the stats that he lost. I find this really childish and greedy.
  7. Its not really about my keys, we got a dbow pk plus killed over 20kids 80+ combat, and im happy because i lead it and no1 died.
  8. School is starting tomorrow and I am going to be at school then I got the gym and I usually work part time 2-3 days a week and I usually get back home at 9PM, so I barely have any time for RS, but I got two weeks left for my semester and its going to be much easier classes as well as less courses.
  9. 5 keys, didnt expect this http://img.prntscr.com/img?url=http://i.imgur.com/GvAGRvG.png http://prntscr.com/9li679 http://prntscr.com/9li679 http://prntscr.com/9li679
  10. you can also kick people out i believe.
  11. theres currently 2-3 of them atm and theres around 100-150m but they will prob go higher since they are op.
  12. Thank you AC!@!@!@! Ac has provided one of the best clan experiences in pking, as well as training.
  13. I remem him, one of the best brids out their.
  14. Lol in Detroit as well as he sold magic card games for his bills, lol I play magic the gathering pretty fun once you get into it.
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