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Fight Cancer

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Everything posted by Fight Cancer

  1. First off, I'd like to say thanks to some individuals: @Allu x, @Sp33dy20, @Sword Rider, @Murderiser, @King, @Juicy Molly, @Trent It's been fun playing deadman, but I've come to a close with my time on this game mode. I've already made my decision and I hope nobody will message me "why" because I'm getting a lot of that. It's been great getting to know all of you and playing the game with you guys and having so much fun together. I'll come on here and there, otherwise.. Farewell gang
  2. Aye, nice to have you working for the team.
  3. I'm telling you guys, Brittany x Juicy Molly #AC Marriage
  4. Sorry to see this Nick. You're a real lad, you just play the game and view it differently. Train up and maybe we'll cross paths in solos. Gl
  5. @Dripping Ink, @quadfetus, @Gravity_Rips, @Peryu and I went to kill some guys at south of lavas. @gravity pked 2m cash stack full mystic 2k deaths and key Then we went to green drags, hopped the worlds and ran into 2 pkers. Here's my inventory atm, will post bank keys after!
  6. only if u send pic of u on snapchat then i give u 50 limps
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