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1st place

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by 1st place

  1. lol pretty dope nice work boys
  2. lol why did you post this should have just came in ts o.o
  3. seems like iv heard alot of people getting dh legs for some reason o.o nice though!
  4. i have not heard of anyone getting scammed yet but i have had a few pms of people trying to scam me and yes a swapper rank would be nice to see.
  5. LOOOOOOOOOOOL nice work lmfao free 8m hahahahahaha
  6. The thing i love about ac is all the friends iv made in it and the past month iv been in here i feel as close as a family we are a family!
  7. Singles Team Application Stats (Picture): http://prntscr.com/9gp10u Why You Want to Join: I would like to join the singles team because singles pking is my favorite over multi since it takes way more skill and pking is all i do and id like to have a team to slay some people with instead of going by myself. Also so myself and others can split more good kills and just grow together and get stronger. Prior Singles Experience: My past experience with singles has been 44 ports, mage bank green drags and all those fun places with friends, with teams of about 5-10 or so, so i understand how everything works with singles pking, have been pking for about 5 years or so now so i do know what i need to do.
  8. l0l i got guthans plate last night also XD http://prntscr.com/9g2ytm
  9. grinds 4 days dies safe zone bye bye 4 days of training
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