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1st place

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Everything posted by 1st place

  1. welcome to the clan be active on teamspeak and forums! get to know members
  2. lol i have no idea how to play poker >.< only blackjack and shit
  3. haha nice boys i passed out after corp was so tired lol
  4. finally got my first sigil drop on my account wass such a fun trip was watching the ufc fight while doing corp. diazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz@!#@!#!#!
  5. sorry im not a chick and take the time to do that shit retard
  6. looks like another wonderful trip boys keep it going !
  7. very nice boys missed this one sadly :/
  8. i'm intermediate atm the go pro makes it look a little dryer than it really it but the track has a ton of light sand in it so thats why it looks super dry. its in arizona
  9. First race back from like 7 month break from racing not too bad 1st race back ended up winning all my races.
  10. sweet trip boys sucks i missed that went to bed early for my race this morning :C
  11. looks fun, good work on trips guys!
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