Im currently 80 hp, 60 atk, 90 str, 60 def, 43 prayer. I need to do the following tasks:
Get a dragon defender
Do horror from the deep
Do fremennik isles
Get 70 range
Get 82 magic
What order would you say be best to do thease in? if any.
I'm guesing quite a few know about this, but for those who don't: When training at rockcrabs there are 3 stacks of 2x nature runes spawning on small islands north of the training spot. Wtih the current prices of nats(230~) and laws (270~) it is profitable to telegrap thease. Seeing as rockcrabs is already a nice place to train combat this i what i used to realy maximise my effiency while there, earning both gp and magic exp on the side.
Depends or where you are at the game but some examples are; theiving nats, chaos druids, green- blue and black dragons, wyverns, barrows, abby demons, zulrah.
And for skilling you have, magic trees, sharks, potions, rc, runite ore with more
I know the minimum requirements but i was thinking if someone who had done it would possibly be able to give a tip on what combat levels to get before doing it.
If you wanna grind 82 theiving the yanille dungeon chaos druids are good exp, good gp and like 5 steps from safezone. I have only encountered one pker there and his freeze only caught when i was next to the staricase.