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Tree Hugger

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Tree Hugger

  1. I just started on Dmm w345 and am wanting to buy some gold to power level(with 07 gold).. anyone wanna give me a decent rate?
  2. don't drink too many, you'll shit blood
  3. When is the last day to train on this season? (my sdmm main Het Zer will definitely be in tournament, not sure if i can get my 2nd in or not.. depends how much time i have.)
  4. gotta stay positive man, grind up
  5. saw this video earlier, hes whacking 70's n shit haha
  6. Damn, I can't wait to start joining in on these pk trips! working on my 30posts, barrows gloves, and return sets and i should be able to tag along.
  7. ayee same here, had my neighbors internet but it was slow afff lol
  8. yeah i never even know about all this.. i dont stake tho
  9. hey i can't seem to figure out how to send you a message... how do i get the teamspeak info?

    1. AC Raw

      AC Raw

      I'll message you in a sec

    2. Tree Hugger

      Tree Hugger

      kk much appreciated

  10. I just finished my introduction, anyone care to take a look? ps. it wont hurt my feelings to give your constructive criticism! 

    1. AC Raw

      AC Raw

      Taking a look right now, welcome to the community

    2. Tree Hugger
  11. Damn nice man! I'm still dreaming of mine! haha
  12. Damn thats fucking hectic! Y'all held it down though.
  13. Can't wait to start pking with yall!
  14. On that dmm grindage.

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