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  1. Yeah he had auto retaliate on I was watching the whole thing happen, from now on I'm bringing anti poison and watching to see if other monster is venom'd xD
  2. Was at the Warriors Guild again today with 2 friends, I had an earlier post wondering whether someone was able to PJ someone who took poison damage. And then my friend tried to x-log on a level 122 and was pjed even though he was hitting the cyclopes back with range and lost his whip. So everyone should watch out and make sure you're unpoisoned and the monster you're boxing is poisoned! JUST A TIP! Good luck!
  3. I'm going to be working to get that soon as well Congrats on getting 94 now you can slay some people! xD
  4. Haha nice guys @Sp33dy20 @Pure I want to start training with D legs but not until I have 2 D legs like you Pure
  5. Hey I'll start it off since I'm interested in how rich everyone else is! Here's my wimpy Deposit Box!
  6. When I saw the thread name I thought it meant someone individually had 100k posts I was like... This guy's legit! xD
  7. Ah darn so it wouldn't work for saving some items Thanks for quick answer! xD
  8. Hey I was wondering about how Zulrah Depo Chest works when you die... I know you can grab your stuff back from it later; however, I'm unsure how long you have to grab your stuff. For example, is it possible to purposely die with a spare PK gear set and grab it much later if you ever die and need some rebuild gear? I haven't done Zulrah before so I'm not sure how that chest works Would appreciate some information!
  9. I'd change my name if requested as well, up to you guys!
  10. Did he get pjed once the poison hit? Or did he just die to poison?
  11. I wish the rest of us saw it happen though >.< Or recorded the scenario so we could watch it again to see exactly what went down I'll start having my screen recorder hotkey ready; although, it wouldn't have helped there since I was on the other side of the room anyways!
  12. You got both of those in 1 drop? What happens if someones knives you, are you able to use the door pattern or no?
  13. You're making me want to risk my bank and go to Tzhaar now! why you do this to me!
  14. My friend who currently has the thieving cape says with the 10 % bonus to pick pocketing added recently he's gone 2000 pick pockets without being caught a single time (On Knights with 1 mil xp/h) that's crazy xD
  15. I heard this a while ago it's pretty funny xD
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