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Everything posted by salta

  1. herb isnt as profitable as it used to be with all the people with high herb atm. youll find yourself spending 2-3 hours buying herbs to make 100 pots.
  2. yaks are great very rare to get att there and if u do easy escape and high lvls there for backup
  3. this. if AC wars against rot it'll be on our terms not just to help a streamer who talks shit about us anyways
  4. it's not going to get fixed. jagex keeps instanced area 0xp so theres no safe way to train. id suggest doing zulrah when u have stats to do in comfortably. make barrage top priority!
  5. everythings on the line so when you make it out of crazy situations you feel like the shit lol
  6. i like this idea itd be cool to get defenders without having to die 3 times
  7. don't feel too bad last night i was selling pots in w45 and got dbow 1 specced by sparc mac........ had my deposit box liquidated so it set me back ~20 hours rip lol
  8. we should definitely make this happen. lots of money to be made!
  9. can you not attack unless your in the pin? if so op as fuck lmao
  10. as everyone has said f keys are a must. also in dmm having an escape is crucial especially since you can use them to chase your enemies if they run. also having efficient gear setups that give not just high dps but good def stats. like using splitbark even though it has lower magic attack bonuses, its melee defence could end up saving you. id try to bring as few switches as possible really since you'll end up with less misclicks and more space for food
  11. feels good to see this kids dead even though his bank key is kinda shit. at least mezza has nice bank padding items now
  12. this. id suggest 94 mage with 90+ range as you wont have to grind two different cb styles on death. melees high dps also makes it better for rebuilding instead of range
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