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Rc Forever

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  1. Thanks you guys! I look forward for tomorrow.
  2. Current Rsn: rn1rnl Previous Rsn: Rc Forever Location & Timezone: United States, Central time About Yourself: I recently became a pediatric registered nurse in December. I knew Sp33dy back from many seasonals ago. I look forward and hope I can play with you guys again this time around. How many Hrs a day you play: 8-10. Seasonals way more. Why do you want to join Anonymous Community: AC has always been a part of my heart when it comes to dmm! How did you hear about us?: I have no idea, its been awhile Have you played DMM Before? Yes List all names you had in DMM: Rc Forever Do you know anyone in Anonymous Community,If so whom: DylanD, Sp33dy20, and numerous others that I forgot their original rsn's What is your discord name: Puppy #4096 if you have 0 vouches from any of our current members we require a 20m buyin: DylanD will vouch for me
  3. Current Rsn: Puppy Dog Previous Rsn: Rc Forever Location & Timezone: USA/ Central About Yourself: I have played Rs since I was 8 yrs old. I am 25 now. I am in full time nursing school and mostly play HCIM when I have time for Rs. I usually only play my main account on seasonals as ironman has became my most fav thing on rs. I would like to become a better pker and thing seasonals is a great thing to do. How many Hrs a day you play: Currently probably 20 hrs a week but i am on two week break from uni so probably 45+ hrs right now. Why do you want to join Anonymous Community: I always pked with you guys quite a few seasonals and chatted on discord with some of you. Its been almost 4-5 seasonals ago that I played seasonals. I dropped out of last one due to no time irl. How did you hear about us?: I have always known about AC Have you played DMM Before? Yes List all names you had in DMM: Sp33dy20 is mostly the one i recall. Do you know anyone in Anonymous Community,If so whom: Sp33dy20
  4. One thing I have been wondering about how can someone do a 6-8 gear switch in less than a second. Some seems like they have a auto switcher, however I know many do not use that.
  5. Wow this is crazy! It was a big mass in a small amount of time!
  6. Awesome Zulrah guide!! I was thinking about how I would do zulrah on here, and I am thinking I will have to use range only, that or slayer dart.
  7. How much money per hr is zulrah at the moment u think on dmm? I have over 500 zulrah kills on osrs.
  8. Yeah I would be up for this! I love going to barrows, its just always pked at.
  9. wow that is a sick spot!!!! You would think its instanced, but its not. Ill definately be going here!
  10. This is very interesting! It makes sense that poison counts as your kill. We should experiment and test this out to really see if its true or not.
  11. True, but there is a danger in going anyplace in deadman mode
  12. Good guide man! Where was this when I started deadman mode! Would of saved me a lot of heartache!
  13. I'd do until 50. Definately do not go to canifis. Its not safe there.
  14. Good to know! I cam across a few high level mains and wanted to help one out, but i went down there and couldnt find no one! lol
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