Current Rsn: rn1rnl
Previous Rsn: Rc Forever
Location & Timezone: United States, Central time
About Yourself: I recently became a pediatric registered nurse in December. I knew Sp33dy back from many seasonals ago. I look forward and hope I can play with you guys again this time around.
How many Hrs a day you play: 8-10. Seasonals way more.
Why do you want to join Anonymous Community: AC has always been a part of my heart when it comes to dmm!
How did you hear about us?: I have no idea, its been awhile
Have you played DMM Before? Yes
List all names you had in DMM: Rc Forever
Do you know anyone in Anonymous Community,If so whom: DylanD, Sp33dy20, and numerous others that I forgot their original rsn's
What is your discord name: Puppy #4096
if you have 0 vouches from any of our current members we require a 20m buyin: DylanD will vouch for me